Alim | Journal of Islamic Education 2022-08-15T15:36:20+00:00 Sekretariat Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong><img style="float: left; width: 174px; margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 10px; border: 2px solid #184b80;" src="/public/site/images/admin/cover12.jpg" width="157" height="222"></strong>The Alim | Journal of Islamic Education, <strong>P-ISSN: 2686-0767, E-ISSN: 2685-7596</strong> is a double-blind peer-reviewed, published by Kopertais (Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta) Wilayah I DKI Jakarta, is a peer-reviewed open access international journal published twice in a year (April-Oktober). Alim | Journal of Islamic Education is a Islamic Education research and article journal. Intended to communicate original researches, methodology and current issues on the subject. The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with various perspectives: education, psychology, sociology, anthropology and many more. This journal warmly welcomes to articles contributions from scholars of related disciplines.</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> STRATEGI GURU AKIDAH AKHLAK DALAM MENGHADAPI PERBEDAAN GAYA BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DI MTSN 3 SERANG 2022-08-15T15:35:36+00:00 <p>The aims of this research are: (1) To describe the learning styles of students in MTsN 3 Serang, (2) To describe the learning strategies applied by teachers in dealing with the learning styles of students at MTsN 3 Serang. (3) To describe the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of strategies applied by teachers at MTsN 3 Serang. The method used in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study show that the learning styles of students contained in MTsN 3 Serang are divided into three, namely, students with auditorial learning styles with a percentage of 50%, students with visual learning styles with a percentage of 40%, and students with kinesthetic learning styles with a percentage of 10%. methods applied by Akidah Akhlak teachers to students with auditorial learning styles of teachers using the lecture method and the story method. And for learners with a kinesthetic learning style, the teacher uses the play method. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor is erratic conditions so that the planned methods sometimes become less effective, and teachers who sometimes find it difficult to recognize the character or learning style of students, because the number of students taught is very large.</p> 2022-08-15T13:28:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education MODERNISASI PENDIDIKAN NON FORMAL DI BANTEN 2022-08-15T15:35:41+00:00 <p>This study aims to examine, analyze and formulate the modernization of the Diniyah Takmiliyah and Majelis Taklim Education related to the vision, mission, goals, curriculum, learning, teaching staff and education. The research method is a qualitative type of basic research with a phenomenological paradigm and the unit of analysis is the Diniyah Takmiliyah Education and Majelis Taklim the Miftahul Ula Bani Idris Cibadak Lebak and Nurul Hidayah Majasari Pandeglang. Collecting data in the study, namely: observation, interviews and documentation and validation of the theory using data triangulation. The conclusion of the research is that the modernization of non-formal Islamic education is influenced by the coaching factor of local government policies, but is hampered by the cultural resistance of each of these non-formal Islamic educational institutions, although the modernization process continues and has occurred in the vision, mission, goals, curriculum, learning and teaching and educational staff. The forms of modernization are: development of vision, mission, objectives, curriculum materials, strategies and learning methods, sources of teaching materials, learning procedures, learning media, legality and criteria for acceptance of educators and educational staff, as well as the completeness of the management structure and its main functions.</p> 2022-08-15T13:42:16+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education PEMBINAAAN ORANG TUA DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK 2022-08-15T15:35:46+00:00 <p>This study aims to describe the guidance of parents of MTs students. in Malangke District in instilling character. This study uses a qualitative research that uses a pedagogical approach. Sources of data are primary data from parents, school principals, PAI teachers through interviews, while secondary data is taken from documents related to research. The instrument used in data collection is the researcher himself whose function is to determine and select informants as data sources, analyze data, interpret data, and instruments in collecting data are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research and analysis concluded that in parenting in the formation of the character of MTs. Malangke 1) The pattern of parents in coaching in instilling character a. MTs. Cappasolo, the parenting style used by the community is a democratic pattern. B. MTs. Tokke, the parenting style used by the community is an authoritarian pattern, 2) The basic development of religion in MTs. Cappasolo and MTs. Tokke applied by parents in Malangke sub-district tends to be the same, the way to instill character and character at home is to set an example. 3) Many things can hinder the formation of character so that students do not show character such as education level, cultural environment, age, socioeconomic level.</p> 2022-08-15T13:47:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI PTKIS 2022-08-15T15:35:50+00:00 <p>This study aims to analyze the effort to learn by determining learning strategies. As the goal of National Education which seeks to produce graduates who are professional in their fields and have moral character to be able to overcome various challenges in the life of the Nation today. The learning strategy of Islamic Religious Education needs to contribute and give more affirmation to students to be stronger in terms of faith, moral nobility and be able to create a dignified and happy nation in the hereafter. The research method used in this research is descriptive method. The type of data in this study consists of primary data, namely the collected data is accumulated directly by the researcher from the research subject or object and secondary data is not accumulated directly from the research object and subject. The results showed that there are three PAI learning strategies, namely PAI learning strategies for organizing PAI learning content, PAI learning delivery strategies and PAI learning management strategies. Thus, they are interrelated with each other in achieving learning objectives so that they can improve the quality of learning.</p> 2022-08-15T13:54:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education APLIKASI MANAJEMEN BERBASIS SEKOLAH MELALUI PROGRAM GERAKAN SEKOLAH MENYENANGKAN (GSM) DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH AL-HUSNA PONDOK AREN TANGERANG SELATAN 2022-08-15T15:35:55+00:00 <p>This article aims toreveal&nbsp; the application of school-based management through&nbsp; the gera program of fun schools because from the kebanyof schools in South Tangerang only a few schools implement management system programs like this . The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive method. This article focuses on the school movement program which is part of school-based management which is carried out at the Ibtidaiyyah Al-Husna Pondok Aren Madrasah, South Tangerang. The Fun School Movement program&nbsp; can improve the quality of learning obtained by children. Among them, by starting icebreaking before the activity starts, there are rewards as an encouragement for children's learning, making creativity such as zones (presence, agreement, emotions, etc.). Theprogram implemented by schools based on the fun school movement is very relevant to thenational law system.&nbsp; Education is a child's conscious effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have spiritual, religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and the necessary skills of themselves, society, nation, and state.</p> 2022-08-15T14:01:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education EVALUASI PROGRAM PEMBELAJARAN AL-QUR’AN METODE QIRAATI DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH NURUL HIDAYAH JAKARTA SELATAN 2022-08-15T15:36:00+00:00 <p>This research is a case study method by applying descriptive qualitative research, namely by obtaining data naturally, collecting data using observation, structured interviews and documentation. Observations were made on al-Qur'an learning activities at MI Nurul Hidayah, namely the principal, deputy principal of the school, the qiraati coordinator and several qiraati teachers. The data from the analysis results are categorized into low, medium and high levels, based on the objective standard / evacuation criteria, then determine the decisions at each evaluation stage, the results of the evaluation decisions are contained in a summary case order-effect matrix. The results achieved in the application of learning the Koran using the qiraati method show that students can kill the qiraati on average from volumes 1 to 6 within 3 years by mastering the rules of tajwid and the science of gharib, but there are also students who can memorize the Qur'an. within 1 year. The slow pace of students reciting qiraati is due to the very limited time of the Al-Qur'an learning program at MI Nurul Hidayah, namely 1 day of school hours is 1 ½ hours x 5 days in 1 week.</p> 2022-08-15T14:08:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education RANCANG BANGUN DAN IMPLIKASI EPISTIMOLOGIS KEILMUAN PESANTREN DI INDONESIA 2022-08-15T15:36:04+00:00 <p>This research proves that nalar <em>Bayani</em>, <em>Irfani</em>, and <em>Burhani</em> as a mapping of the Islamic scientific framework should be powerful enough to be used as an analysis knife for pesantren science as manifested in the yellow books taught in various Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. With this scientific mapping, it is evident that most of the yellow books taught in various islamic boarding schools are dominated by Bayani reason or in other terms <em>al-'Aqliyat al-Syar'iyyah</em> which is widely applied in the field of kalam and fiqh. Meanwhile, in the field of morals, many are colored by <em>Irfani's</em> reasoning, although there are temporary moral books that use <em>Bayani</em> reason&nbsp; such as <em>the book of Ta'limal-Muta'allim</em>, and there is also a book that combines the three forms of reasoning with its emphasis on <em>Irfani's</em> reasoning, namely the book of <em>Ihya' Ulum al-Din</em>.</p> 2022-08-15T14:22:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN AQIDAH AKHLAQ DAN LINGKUNGAN BELAJAR SISWA TERHADAP KARAKTER SISWA 2022-08-15T15:36:08+00:00 <p>This study aims to examine and determine empirical data regarding the effect of Aqidah Akhlaq Learning and Student Learning Environment, both individually and simultaneously (simultaneously) on the Character of the Students of the Nahdlatul Ulama Modern Islamic Boarding School Foundation Lampung. In this study, the author uses a quantitative method with a correlation approach. The data collection technique used is field research using three instruments in the form of a measurable questionnaire. The results of the research are as follows: First, there is a strong positive effect of Aqidah Akhlaq Learning on the Character of Students at the Nahdlatul Ulama Modern Islamic Boarding School, Tanggamus Lampung with a coefficient of determination of 2.4%. Second, there is a positive influence, a strong significance, of the Student Learning Environment on the Character of the Students of the Nahdlatul Ulama Modern Islamic Boarding School, Tanggamus Lampung Foundation, with a coefficient of determination of 1%. Third, there is a positive influence, a strong significance between Aqidah Akhlaq Learning and the Student Learning Environment, together (simultaneously) on the Character of the Students of the Nahdlatul Ulama Modern Islamic Boarding School, Tanggamus Lampung, with a coefficient of determination of 24%.</p> 2022-08-15T14:27:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education PENINGKATAN PROFESIONALISME GURU DALAM PERSEPEKTIF BUDAYA RELIGIUS 2022-08-15T15:36:12+00:00 <p>This study aims to analyze 1) the implementation of religious culture in MTs Negeri 12 Jakarta, 2) teacher professionalism in MTs Negeri 12 Jakarta, 3) efforts to improve teacher professionalism through management based on religious culture in MTs Negeri 12 Jakarta. The results found in this study are that 1) the implementation of religious culture-based management in schools can be stated, that every teacher is disciplined in carrying out his duties both, in the learning process and outside of learning. In this case the principal performs several stages or steps, namely; starting from planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising, 2) teacher professionalism in making learning tools, learning processes, and assessments classified as good and professional, 3) efforts to increase teacher professionalism through religious culture-based management that is well displayed and applied in improving teacher professionalism, namely: discipline, example, togetherness, congregational prayers accompanied by students, and tilawah.</p> 2022-08-15T15:16:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education RADIKALISME PELAJAR GENERASI Z: REVISITASI KONTEN DAN METODOLOGI SKI DALAM MATA PELAJARAN PAI 2022-08-15T15:36:16+00:00 <p>Radicalism among students has reached a very alarming level. This study aims to trace the genealogy of these radicalism viruses that were massive after the 1998 Reformation. After making a selection of various results of field surveys conducted by several credible research institutions, this paper came to a conclusion on the urgency of PAI (Islamic Religious Education) subjects and more specifically SKI (History of Islamic Culture) in fortifying students from various anti-NKRI ideologies labeled with religion. The confusion of religious identity among students, which makes them vulnerable to radicalism, can only be treated by first changing the paradigm of islamic history writing so far that is political-centric and Arab-centric. No less crucial, the role of PAI teachers in recognizing the character of their students who belong to generation Z, in order to find the most effective learning method (inside or outside the classroom). Of course, all these de-radicalization efforts can only be successful with the support of the family and the youth movement, as an educational tripusat.</p> 2022-08-15T15:21:13+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Alim | Journal of Islamic Education